PROM Introduction/Submission
Patient receives introductory information about the Stoma-QoL PROM, completes form, and proceeds to next stage upon submission.
PROM Reminder/Results
Thank you sent to patient upon form submission. Reminder is sent after 3 days of no submission. Results explanation factsheet provided to the patient to provide context.
- Name: Stoma Quality of Life pathway
- Author: PEP Health
- Version: 1.00
- Reviewed: 02/2025
This is a two-stage pathway that streamlines the delivery, reminders, scoring, analysis, and data export of the Stoma Quality of Life PROM for clinicians and researchers.
This pathway is designed to enable clinicians and researchers to
- deliver the Stoma-QoL PROM tool to their patients quickly and easily,
- provide patients with contextual information about the tool,
- automatically remind patients to submit the Stoma-QoL PROM,
- collect the results of the submitted Stoma-QoL PROM,
- calculate the Stoma-QoL PROM Score based on the answers submitted,
- allocate Stoma-QoL PROM Cut Points based on the score calculations,
- display survey results, Score and Cut Points, and
- provide an export of deidentified Stoma-QoL PROM data for research purposes.
Adults with colostomy or ileostomy (temporary or permanent)
The Stoma-QoL questionnaire is a validated patient-reported outcome measure designed to assess health-related quality of life in individuals with colostomies or ileostomies. Here’s how it is administered and scored
- Stoma – Quality of Life (Stoma-QoL)
20-item stoma-specific questionnaire assessing QoL across four domains: sleep, intimacy, family/social relations, and body image. Uses a 4-point Likert scale (“Always” to “Not at all”).
Type of PROM – e.g. evaluative
- Stoma-specific and validated across cultures
- High reliability (Cronbach’s α = 0.90)
- Short completion time (5–10 minutes)
- No validation for urostomy patients
- Potential item redundancy (3 misfitting items identified in Rasch analysis)
- Limited responsiveness assessment
Validated in European populations (Italy, France, Germany, Denmark) 536 and used in clinical research to assess stoma-related QoL
- Internal consistency: Cronbach’s α = 0.90
- Test-retest reliability: Spearman’s correlation >0.88
Adults (mean age 62 years) with non-temporary stomas; 70% had intestinal cancer, 13% inflammatory disease
Total score: Sum of 20 items (range 20–80). Converted to 0–100 scale (higher = better QoL)
Not explicitly defined in validation studies.
Requires permission for use; available via Coloplast and validated research platforms
Coloplast A/S (recommended by ASCN for QoL assessment)
- Prieto L, Thorsen H, Juul K. Development and validation of a quality of life questionnaire for patients with colostomy or ileostomy. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2005 Oct 12;3:62. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-3-62. PMID: 16219109; PMCID: PMC1274339.
- Canova C, Giorato E, Roveron G, Turrini P, Zanotti R. Validation of a stoma-specific quality of life questionnaire in a sample of patients with colostomy or ileostomy. Colorectal Dis. 2013 Nov;15(11):e692-8. doi: 10.1111/codi.12324. PMID: 23800245.
- Skibsted CV, Jensen BT, Juul T, Kristensen HØ. Patient reported outcome measures assessing quality of life in patients with an intestinal stoma: A systematic review. Colorectal Dis. 2022 Oct;24(10):1128-1139. doi: 10.1111/codi.16202. Epub 2022 Jun 16. PMID: 35639396; PMCID: PMC9796962.
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