PROM Introduction/Submission
Patient receives introductory information about the PROM, completes form, and proceeds to next stage upon submission.
PROM Reminder/Results
Thank you sent to patient upon form submission. Reminder is sent after 3 days of no submission. Results explanation factsheet provided to the patient to provide context.
- Name: Patient Specific Functional Scale
- Author: PEP health
- Version: 1.00
- Reviewed: 02/2025
This is a two-stage pathway that streamlines the delivery, reminders, scoring, analysis, and data export of the Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS ) PROM for clinicians and researchers.
This pathway is designed to enable clinicians and researchers to
- deliver the PSFS PROM tool to their patients quickly and easily,
- provide patients with contextual information about the tool,
- automatically remind patients to submit the PSFS PROM,
- collect the results of the submitted PSFS PROM,
- calculate the PSFS PROM Score based on the answers submitted,
- allocate PSFS PROM Cut Points based on the score calculations,
- display survey results, Score and Cut Points, and
- provide an export of deidentified PSFS PROM data for research purposes.
Adults with musculoskeletal disorders (back, neck, knee, upper extremity), stroke rehabilitation, and some non-musculoskeletal populations.
The Patient-Specific Functional Scale (PSFS) is administered through a structured patient-centred process to identify and track functional limitations.
- Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS)
Patient-specific questionnaire where patients identify & rate difficulty of 3-5 functional activities (0-10 scale). Measures activity limitations in musculoskeletal/neurological conditions.
Evaluative (monitors functional changes over time)
- Patient-centered goals
- Quick administration (<5 mins)
- Flexible across conditions
- High clinical responsiveness
- Requires patient engagement to identify activities
- Not standardized for direct comparisons
- Less validated in non-musculoskeletal populations
Strong validity/reliability in musculoskeletal populations. Emerging evidence for stroke & community-dwelling older adults.
ICC 0.82 (cervical radiculopathy), 0.71-0.90 (upper extremity). MDC 2.0-2.8 points.
Adults with chronic pain, post-surgical rehabilitation, neurological conditions (stroke).
Average score of 3-5 self-identified activities (0=unable to perform, 10=no difficulty). PSFS 2.0 (2024 update) uses inverted 0-10 scoring (0=no difficulty) with improved responsiveness
- MDC: 2.0-2.8 points
- MCID: 2.0 points (musculoskeletal)
- Threshold for “meaningful change”: ≥3.3 points
Requires permission from the copyright holder for formal use. Free for clinical use with proper citation; formal research/adaptations require licensing
Dr. Paul Stratford (McMaster University)
- Stratford et al. (1995) – Original validation
- Horn et al. (2012) – Systematic review
- Mathis & Taylor (2023) – Community-dwelling older adults
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